Ten Best Winter Cleaning Tips

Dec 21, 2023

Transform your home into a winter sanctuary with these top cleaning tips!

Woman cleaning kitchen cabinets for winter - home maintenance and preparation for the cold season

Winter has arrived, so it's time to get the house ready for a cozy season indoors! With each passing winter, don't forget to pull on those cleaning gloves and tackle your essential household chores. This way, you can enjoy snuggling up in a fresh home all throughout the colder months!

Having a solid winter cleaning routine is important if you want a clean and healthy home. It not only gets rid of dust and dirt but also eliminates various allergens that may linger indoors. To kickstart your winter cleaning, here are ten tips to freshen up your living space:

1. Vacuum Every Room Regularly

During the winter months, carpets and rugs tend to trap more dust, dirt, and pet dander. Make sure to vacuum every room at least once a week or as needed to keep the air clean and fresh in your home.

2. Clean Out Your Kitchen Cabinets

Keeping food stored in cabinets for too long can result in mold or insect infestation. Spend some time going through your kitchen cabinets and discard anything that has expired or is no longer needed.

3. Dust Ceiling Fans

During winter, dust builds up on the blades of ceiling fans quickly. Make sure to use a duster with an extension pole to reach the tops of ceilings, and clean your ceiling fans every few weeks.

4. Wipe Down Windows

To enjoy the winter sunshine, make sure to wipe down the outside of your windows with a glass cleaner and rag or paper towel. This will reduce dirt, dust, and streaks that can obscure your view of the season.

5. Clean Blankets and Pillows

If you're using blankets and pillows, then make sure to wash them regularly. This will help prevent the buildup of dust mites and other allergens that can cause sneezing, watery eyes, and coughing.

6. Sanitize Door Knobs

We tend to forget about door handles, but they collect a lot of germs. Spend some time wiping down the door knobs and other handles in your home with a disinfectant wipe or spray to keep them germ-free.

7. Clean Out Closets

Closets can become cluttered quickly, so dedicate some time to going through the items you no longer need or use. Donate clothing or items that are still in good condition and discard the rest.

8. Clean Light Fixtures

Make sure to not forget about light fixtures, as dust can accumulate around them quickly. Use a vacuum cleaner with an extension hose to reach ceilings and wipe away any remaining dirt or dust particles.

9. Wash Window Treatments

Curtains and other window treatments should be washed every few months to keep them looking fresh. This will remove dust, dirt, and any accumulated pet hair from the fabric.

10. Prepare The Fireplace

To make sure your fireplace is ready for the winter months, inspect it for any cracks or damage. If needed, hire a professional to sweep and inspect the chimney for any potential blockages that may cause smoke to back up into your home.

We hope these tips help you keep your home looking clean and cozy this winter! If you want to ensure that your air ducts and HVAC are good to go for the winter, contact us at Grand Rapids Duct Cleaners! Our team will gladly assist you with your winter preparations.

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